Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bid4Prizes and ATT Text messaging

I am pretty much a habitual procrastinator. Ever since college I always waited to the last minute to do anything including checking my AT&T e-bill. Turns out there was a recurring 9.99 dollar charge for the last year on my cell phone bill. About 120 dollars total. This was from some company I never signed up for any service for what so ever. Somehow they got a hold of my cell phone number and started charging me 9.99 a month.

I would get text messages from them that I thought were unwarranted solicitation from a or a bid4prizes outfit. I called AT&T and they would only take care of the last few months of charges not the whole year. So finally I spoke to a supervisor from at&t who gave me the whole credit even though I understand that its not there fault for I was late a year in discovering this.

Though the way I see it I think AT&T was liable for allowing such misuse of their service on my account. So if there is anyone out there that finds they are being billed 9.99 a month - Good Luck getting your money back and don't give up trying!

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